Me and PowerPoint

Hi! My name is Mia Cummings and I'm a rising freshman at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Microsoft PowerPoint is my palette and brush. In my freshman year of high school, isolated and locked to my computer screen, I discovered the magnificent application and spent hours exploring its features. Despite its simple user interface, its unlimited capabilities make it the perfect medium for graphic design. Shapes, shadows, colors, fonts, gradients—the possibilities are endless. Need a ramen bowl? Insert two overlapping circles, use the subtract feature to form a crescent, add an oval for the inside of the bowl, and free-draw an organic shape for the base. Need a planet? Insert a circle, give it a purple and neon green gradient, and top it off with a twenty-five point glow. Some people express themselves by sculpting clay, cutting and pasting paper elements, or sewing clothes. I use PowerPoint. I’ve never felt more creative and innovative than when I’m designing restaurant menus, program covers for school plays, and spaceships using a slide show presentation software. There’s an art to deciding how to overlap, intersect, and combine shapes like pieces in a puzzle. Inspired by a small community of artists like Daphne Di on Twitter (X), I have learned there is no limit to what you can create if you put in the time and effort. All you need are some polygons and a vision to make your artistic dreams come true.